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A final meeting agenda to make sure the project is complete, and how to update your project to "completed" in the platform. 

Checklist for Project Close Out

  • Schedule a project closeout meeting

  • Document what worked well and areas of opportunity

  • Discuss lessons learned

  • Identify remaining deliverables 

  • Address any unanswered questions

  • Confirm if there is a need for a handoff of work to new owners  


Additional steps to consider:

  • Invite participants (and/or your own) manager to attend closeout meeting

  • Send a thank-you note to team members and their managers

  • Provide feedback and ask for feedback on your own performance as well

  • Present the work you completed and the outcomes to your core team

  • Create a how-to document for ongoing work if applicable

  • Conduct meeting to transfer ownership of the work to the appropriate individual(s)

  • Update your LinkedIn and/or resume with your contributions

  • Celebrate!

Sample Agenda for Final Meeting

Project Team - 10 minutes

  • How was your experience on the project?

  • What did you like about the role?

  • How did it evolve or change?


Project Goals - 15 minutes 

  • Did we all accomplish what we set out to do?

  • Does there need to be a phase two and would the team like to continue the work?

  • What skills were developed and are being implemented in the participant’s daily work today?

  • What impact has this project had on the host’s core work?


Feedback - 10 minutes

  • Share constructive feedback.

  • Reflect on what went well. 

  • What could be improved for next time?


Accolades - 10 minutes 

  • This is the chance to celebrate and congratulate each other for the work you've done.

  • Mention how others on the team influenced your development.


Final Presentation - 10 minutes

  • Take this time to pull in all of your experiences on the project.

  • Discuss the original problem or challenge that brought you together.

  • Next talk about the milestones met and interesting challenges you overcame.

  • Finalize the presentation with your accomplishments.

Mark Project as Complete in the Platform

Mark Project as Complete
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